Baltimore Collaborators
Core Team
Yale University
Alexander J. Felson Project Director
Caroline Dumont, Project Manager
Grace Castillo
Max Farbman
Jonathan Galka
Caroline Acheatel
Ecological Society of America
Jill Baron, ESA President 2014 and core ESA partner
David Inouye, Current ESA President
Katherine McCarter, ESA Executive Director
Terry Chapin, Past ESA President
Steward Pickett, Past ESA President
Baltimore Ecosystem Study
Alan Berkowitz, J. Morgan Grove, Peter Groffman, Shannon LaDeau, Steward Pickett, Emma Rosi-Marshall, and Chris Swan
Parks and People Foundation
Valerie Rupp, Steve Preston, Guy Hager, and Lisa Millspaugh Schroeder
Mahan-Rykiel Associates
Isaac Hametz
Peter May and Chris Streb
Lead Advisory Committee
Jill Baron, Colorado State University
John Beardsley, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington D.C.
Julie Bargmann, University of Virginia and D.I.R.T studio
Victoria Chanse, University of Maryland
Terry Chapin, University of Alaska
Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
Peter Groffman, BES and Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Emma Rosi-Marshall, BES and Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Joan Iverson Nassauer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Charles Nilon, University of Missouri
Steward Pickett, BES and Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Frederick Steiner, University of Texas, Austin
ESA Centennial Fund
National Science Foundation
Yale University
Tree Baltimore
Charles Murphy
Ted Martello
Mahan-Rykiel Associates
Parks and People Foundation
Dumbarton Oaks
Partners and Stakeholders
Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Mark Cameron
Baltimore City Department of Planning, Heather Martin, Kate Edwards
Baltimore City Recreation and Parks - Forestry, Erik Dihle, Charlie Murphy
Baltimore City Recreation and Parks - Parks, Kate Brower, Tom Jeannetta
Baltimore City Office of Sustainability, Jenny Guillaume, Kristin Baja
Baltimore Office of Sustainability, Amy Gilder-Busatti, Beth Strommen
Baltimore Urban Waters Partnership, Mike Galvin
Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Landscape Studies, John Beardsley
Ecological Society of America Chapters and Sections: Agroecology, Applied Ecology, Asian Ecology, Education, Environmental Justice, Human Ecology, Natural History, Student Chapter, Urban Ecology
Landscape Architecture Foundation, Heather Whitlow
Maryland Port Administration, Katrina Jones
Morgan State University, Fred Scharmen
Penn State, Barry Kew
Rutgers University, Frank Gallagher, Tony Cullen
University of Maryland, Victoria Chanse
University of Virginia, Julie Bargmann, Nancy Ann Takahashi, Tat Bonvehi
Conference Organizers
Katherine McCarter, Executive Director, Ecological Society of America
Michelle Horton, Ecological Society of America
Carol Brewer, Prairie Ecotone Research Group, LLC
Nancy Huntley, Utah State University