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ESI Louisville Schedule of Events

Sunday, August 11

12-5pm: ESA WK 12: Introductory working session with Dr. Alex Felson and field trip to topic sites. Location: KICC, L011


Monday, August 12

10am-12pm: Workshop with City of Louisville.mLunch will be provided following the workshop. Location: 444 S. 5th Street. 


Tuesday, August 13

8:30am-12pm: Field Trip: Louisville's Urban Waterways: Ecology, Community Engagement, and Brownfields (with Allison Smith). Location: Departs KICC Market Street Prefunction


Wednesday, August 14

12:30-2:30pm: Afternoon working session/design charrette with ESI advisors. Location: Seelbach Hilton, Mezzanine A, 500 S 4th Street


5-7pm: Meeting and working session with Louisville community members. Location: Louisville Free Public Library, Western Branch, 604 South Tenth Street


Thursday, August 15

10:30-11am: OPTIONAL -  Beargrass Creek USACE Press Conference @ Beargrass Flood Pumping Station. Location: 1731 Brownsboro Road


12pm: OPTIONAL - Communication and Engagement Luncheon with Kirsten Schwartz 


3:30-5pm: ESA Inspire Session:Learning by doing. Location: KICC M107


6-8pm: Design working session at Gresham Smith designers. Pizza dinner will be provided. Location: Gresham Smith, 111 W Main Street #211


Friday, August 16

8-11:30am: Working session as needed. Location TBD


11:30-1:30pm: Lunch discussion, exit interviews, and next steps strategy session. Location TBD


2:15-3:45pm: Presentations to Louisville Forward Chief Mary Ellen Wiederwohl. Location: 444 S. 5th Street

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